56.2. The object, constitution and administration of the fund must be consistent with the following rules:(1) the fund shall be established for the carrying out of projects consistent with a social housing program implemented under this Act and identified for that purpose by the Société, or for a social housing program having received prior approval from the Société;
(2) the fund may be made up of the following:(a) the money paid into the fund annually by the municipality or the regional county municipality, including interest, in the amount and according to the terms and conditions the Société determines; and
(b) gifts, legacies and other contributions paid into it to further the achievement of the objects of the fund; and
(3) the municipality or, as the case may be, the regional county municipality, shall pay into the fund annually the basic contribution previously determined by the Société to enable the building of social housing in its territory and, on request, shall provide the Société with any information required as regards the carrying out of such projects.